(Quick Reference)

8 Integration Testing

Version: 3.1.0

8 Integration Testing

The jaxrs-integration-test plugin contains classes that make integration testing resources much easier.

Integration tests for resources are created in the same way that other integration tests are created, except that the test spec classes should extend JaxrsIntegrationSpec. This class sets up a mocked servlet context that tests can use to send mocked requests through the JAX-RS servlet stack, effectively emulating the path real requests would take.

Integration tests will use the JAX-RS implementation that is included in the project.


An example of a test may look something like:

package com.budjb

import grails.test.mixin.integration.Integration import org.grails.plugins.jaxrs.test.JaxrsIntegrationSpec import org.grails.plugins.jaxrs.test.JaxrsRequestProperties

@Integration class TestResourceSpec extends JaxrsIntegrationSpec { def 'Ensure GET /api/test returns the correct content'() { when: def response = makeRequest(new JaxrsRequestProperties(method: 'GET', uri: '/api/test'))

then: response.bodyAsString == 'Test' response.status == 200 }

/** * Return the list of additional resources to build the JAX-RS servlet with. * * @return */ @Override List getResources() { return [] } }

Classes that extend JaxrsIntegrationSpec are required to implements the getResources method. This method is expected to return a list of classes that represent additional resources or providers that should be loaded by the JAX-RS implementation. This method is useful when there are test-specific resources or providers that tests require to operate. The advantage is that these test-specific classes need not be present on the classpath when the application is deployed, and so do not need to exist in the src/main folder.

Making Requests

The JaxrsIntegrationSpec contains a makeRequest method that should be used to make requests to a resource. This method sets up servlet requests and response objects, and hands the request off properly. The makeRequest method takes a JaxrsRequestProperties object as its parameter. This object contains several properties that make up a request.

uriPath of the request. This does not need the whole hostname of running application, but only the path to the resource being tested.
methodThe string HTTP method to use with the request. Common values are GET , POST , PUT , and DELETE .
contentTypeThe content type of the body of the request.
acceptThe requested content type of the body of the response.
headersA map of headers, where the key is the name of the header and the value is the value of the header. Supports multi-valued headers.
characterEncodingCharacter encoding of the request. Defaults to UTF-8 .

The makeRequest method returns a JaxrsResponseProperties object containing important properties of the response, as well as a couple of convenience methods for converting the response body.


statusThe HTTP status code of the response.
bodyThe body of the response, if applicable. This property is a byte array.
contentTypeThe content type of the response, if applicable.
headersThe headers of the response.


getBodyAsString()Returns the body of the response as a String.
getBodyAsJson()Parses the body of the response as JSON, and returns either a List or a Map.
getBodyAsXml()Parses the body of the response as XML, and returns a GPathResult.