(Quick Reference)

6 Configuration

Version: 3.1.0

6 Configuration

While the plugin works well out of the box without any configuration, there are several configuration options available to change certain behaviors of the plugin.

JAX-RS resource scope

By default, JAX-RS resource classes are instantiated with every request which corresponds to the following entry in the application configuration:

org.grails.jaxrs.resource.scope = 'prototype'

Since this is the default you can omit this entry as well. On the other hand, if you prefer that your JAX-RS resources are singletons, add the following configuration entry.

org.grails.jaxrs.resource.scope = 'singleton'

Domain object providers

From version 0.3 onwards the jaxrs plugin comes with JAX-RS providers for converting between Grails domain objects and XML/JSON representations. Domain object providers are explained in detail in the domain object providers section. Domain object readers and writers can be disabled by adding the following entries to the application configuration.

org.grails.jaxrs.doreader.disable = true
org.grails.jaxrs.dowriter.disable = true

This is useful in situations where applications implement custom providers. Another domain object provider configuration property, org.grails.jaxrs.dowriter.require.generic.collections, is explained in the domain object collections section.

Additional Providers

This feature is only available when the plugin uses the Jersey implementation.

By default the jaxrs plugin scans the grails-app/providers directory for custom providers. JAX-RS provider implementations located elsewhere (e.g. in 3rd party libraries) are ignored. This can be changed by defining extra paths where the plugin should scan for additional providers. For example by adding the following to the application configuration the plugin additionally scans the packages com.foo and com.bar for providers.

org.grails.jaxrs.provider.extra.paths = 'com.foo;com.bar'

You can also define extra paths by setting the corresponding init parameter.

org.grails.jaxrs.provider.init.parameters = ['com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages': 'com.foo;com.bar']

Init Parameters

Init parameters for the servlet of the underlying JAX-RS implementation can be set via the org.grails.jaxrs.provider.init.parameters configuration property in the application configuration, as in the following example.

org.grails.jaxrs.provider.init.parameters = [
    'com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages': 'com.foo;com.bar',
    'another.key': 'another.value'