(Quick Reference)

2 Quick Start

Version: 3.1.0

2 Quick Start

Create The Application

Use Grails 3.x to create a new application. As an example, let's create an application called jaxrs-example:
[budjb@laptop Projects]$ grails create-app jaxrs-example
| Application created at /Users/budjb/Projects/jaxrs-example

Add JAX-RS Plugin to Dependencies

In the build.gradle file, add the plugin to the project's dependencies. For the example, we'll use the Jersey 1.x implementation.

dependencies {
    compile "org.grails.plugins:jaxrs-jersey1:1.0.0"

// other dependencies below… }

Be sure to use the updated version number of the plugin you are using. The version number above is likely out of date.

Create a Resource

The plugin comes bundled with a helper script to generate a basic resource, which we'll use here.

[budjb@laptop jaxrs-example]$ grails create-resource com.budjb.Test


| Rendered template Resource.groovy to destination grails-app/resources/com/budjb/TestResource.groovy

The resulting file should look like the class below. Notice the path information in the generated Resource.

package com.budjb

import javax.ws.rs.GET import javax.ws.rs.Path import javax.ws.rs.Produces

@Path('/api/test') class TestResource { @GET @Produces('text/plain') String getTestRepresentation() { 'Test' } }

Start the Application

Everything we need is in place, so now we can start the application.
[budjb@laptop jaxrs-example]$ ./gradlew bootRun
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
> Building 97% > :jaxrs-example:bootRun

Try It Out!

Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080/api/test, and you should be greeted with the word Test.