(Quick Reference)

3 Installing

Version: 3.1.0

3 Installing

The plugin itself is split into several smaller plugins. The jaxrs-core plugin contains the bulk of the classes necessary for the plugin to work, but there are many different implementations of JSR-311 that exist. The plugin was broken up to better manage the library dependencies that come with adding many different implementations.

When adding the jaxrs plugin to an application, one of the implementation-specific plugins should be used.

The jaxrs-core plugin should not be included as a dependency of an application directly. It will automatically be included as part of the dependencies of the implementation that is chosen.

The table below details the various plugins that are available and what they do.

jaxrs-coreContains the core classes necessary to run the jaxrs plugin. This plugin should not be included directly in applications.
jaxrs-jersey1Implements the jersey server 1.x JAX-RS library.
jaxrs-restletImplements the restlet JAX-RS library.
jaxrs-integration-testProvides a mocked environment superclass useful for integration tests that target resources.