(Quick Reference)

3 Configuration - Reference Documentation

Authors: Bud Byrd

Version: 3.1.3

3 Configuration

Configuration of the connection to the RabbitMQ server is done in your project's grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file.

Below is the list of general configuration properties.

Configuration PropertyRequiredDescriptionTypeDefault
autoStart If true, will start any consumers during the bootstrap phase of the application startup.Booleantrue
enabled If false, will register the plugin's beans, but prevent the plugin connecting to the RabbitMQ broker(s) and consuming messages.Stringtrue

If autoStart is set to false, all of the connections to the broker will be initiated, but the message consumers will not automatically start consuming messages. To start consuming, use the rabbitContext bean and call rabbitContext.startConsumers().

3.1 Server Connection

The plugin expects the connection configuration to the RabbitMQ server to be defined. A bare minimum configuration example looks like:

rabbitmq {
    connection = {
        connection host: "example.com", username: "foo", password: "bar"

Connections to many different RabbitMQ servers can be configured. A multi-server configuration looks like:

rabbitmq {
    connection = {
        connection host: "rabbit1.example.com", username: "foo", password: "bar"
        connection host: "rabbit2.example.com", username: "foo", password: "bar"

The following table enumerates all the configuration options available to the connection configuration:

Configuration PropertyRequiredDescriptionTypeDefault
hostHostname or IP address of the RabbitMQ server to connect to.String none
usernameUsername to log into the RabbitMQ server with.String none
passwordPassword to log into the RabbitMQ server with.String none
name Name of the connection. This is used while sending messages to a specific RabbitMQ server when using multiple servers.String none
isDefault A connection with this set to true will be the server messages are sent to if no specific connection is specified when sending the message.booleangfalse
port Port to connect to the RabbitMQ server with.Integer5672
virtualHost Name of the virtual host to connect to the RabbitMQ server with.String none
ssl Whether to use SSL when connecting to a RabbitMQ server.booleanfalse
threads Threadpool size, if greater than 0, determines how many concurrent messages can be processed at any given time. If set to 0, consumers can consume as many messages as it's configured to.String0
automaticReconnect If true, will cause the application to automatically reconnect to a server when its connection is dropped.booleantrue
requestedHeartbeat Heartbeat interval, in seconds. A value of 0 disables heartbeats.Integer0

3.2 Defining Queues

The plugin allows authors to define the exchanges and queues programatically inside the configuration. This allows the application to configure its own queues without someone having to manually create the exchanges and queues prior to running the application.

Queue configuration is also done in the Config.groovy file under the rabbitmq block, much as the server connection is configured. Usage is best illustrated with an example:

rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        queue name: "example.queue", durable: true, exchange: "example.exchange"

The above code will define a queue named example.queue, and its durable flag will be set.

Be sure to note that the queues property is a closure. You must ensure that the = is present for this feature to function properly.

If using the multi-server feature of the plugin, it is important to consider what server the queue should be defined in. The connection property specifies which server to create the queue in, illustrated below:

rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        // Assume there is a connection with the name "server1"…
        queue name: "example.queue", connection: "server1", durable: true

If there are many queues to be defined for a specific server connection, the connection method provides a convenient way to bunch queue creation.

rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        // Assume there is a connection with the name "server1"…
        connection name: "server1", {
            queue name: "example.queue", durable: true
            queue name: "example2.queue", durable: true

Below is a table of all of the options available when defining queues:

arguments Extra arguments used to create the queue. See the RabbitMQ documentation for more information.Map none
autoDelete Whether to automatically delete the queue once there are no more consumers listening to it.booleanfalse
binding Used in conjunction with exchanges. See the section below for more information. Mixed none
durable Whether messages should be persisted to the disk on the RabbitMQ server to survive server restarts.booleanfalse
exchange Binds a queue to an exchange in conjunction with the binding property. Ignored if used inside an exchange declaration.String none
match Required when binding to a headers exchange. Either "any" or "all".String none
nameName of the queue.String none
connection Name of the connection to create the queue with. Uses the default connection if omitted.String none

3.3 Defining Exchanges

Defining exchanges is very similar to defining queues. The following code illustrates how to define an exchange:
rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        exchange name: "example.exchange", type: "topic"

The above example will create an exchange with the name example.exchange and of the type topic. Below is a list of all the options availble when creating exchanges:

arguments Extra arguments used to create the exchange. See the RabbitMQ documentation for more information.Map none
autoDelete Whether to automatically delete the exchange once there are no longer any queues bound to it.booleanfalse
durable Whether messages should be persisted to the disk on the RabbitMQ server to survive server restarts.booleanfalse
nameName of the exchange.String none
typeOne of "fanout", "topic", "direct", or "headers".String none
connection Name of the connection to create the exchange with. Uses the default connection if omitted.String none

The same connection considerations exist for exchanges as with queues. The same connection method works for exchanges as well.

3.4 Binding Queues and Exchanges

Queues can be bound to an exchange by setting the exchange property when declaring the queue to the name of the exchange to bind to. This is the preferred method if the application being configured is not responsible for defining and configuring the exchange being bound to.

Queues can also be bound to an exchange by declaring the queues inside of a closure passed as the last parameter of an exchange definition. This is a convenient method to do queue binding when your application is responsible for defining and configuring the exchange.

rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        exchange name: "example.exchange", type: "topic", {
            queue name: "example.queue", binding: "sample.binding.#"
This example will create a topic exchange named example.exchange, as well as create a queue named example.queue. The queue will be bound to the exchange with the topic or routing key of "sample.binding.#".

Queues need to have their binding defined specifically for the type of exchange they are bound to.

Fanout Exchanges

Fanout exchanges are the easiest to configure bindings for, since they require none. Fanout exchanges simply send every message it received to every queue bound to it.
rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        exchange name: "example.exchange", type: "fanout", {
            queue name: "example.queue"

Topic Exchanges

Topic exchanges require queues to define a topic. Topics can be an exact match, but their strength is in their partial matching ability. See the RabbitMQ documentation for details about this kind of exchange.
rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        exchange name: "example.exchange", type: "topic", {
            queue name: "example.queue", binding: "exmaple.binding.#"

Direct Exchanges

Direct exchanges are similar to topic exchanges, except that their "topics" only function with direct name matching. The appropriate name for the binding in this case is "routing key". Queues must define a routing key when binding to this type of exchange.
rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        exchange name: "example.exchange", type: "direct", {
            queue name: "example.queue", binding: "exmapleRoutingKey"

Header Exchanges

Header exchanges are like topic exchanges, but with the ability to define multiple match keywords. The binding for queues allows the queue to match on all or one of multiple header values. The queue must also set the match property for this exchange type, and the value must be one of "any" or "all".
rabbitmq {
    queues = {
        exchange name: "example.exchange", type: "headers", {
            queue name: "example.queue", match: "any", binding: [
                "header1": "header-value-1",
                "header2": "header-value-2"